Febelauto determines the amount of CO₂ saved by using second-hand parts with the Eco Repair Score® calculator
Febelauto is the Belgian authority tasked with overseeing the environmentally sustainable processing, dismantling and recycling of end-of-life vehicles. Even though up to 97.6 percent of the parts of disused cars are recycled in Belgium as reusable feedstock, the reuse of this kind of second-hand parts (as opposed to new parts) offers even greater environmental benefits. This is due to higher resource efficiency and lower CO₂ emissions. In order to work out the precise difference in CO₂ emissions, for a new project Febelauto used the specific calculation method developed by Eco Repair Score®, a Belgian business that specialises in the environmental impact of vehicle repairs.
New project on life extension
Febelauto is looking to promote the reuse of second-hand parts by way of a pilot project on life extension. This project sees a repairer of second-hand cars call on two accredited centres (specialising in the disassembly and depollution of end-of-life vehicles) to be supplied with second-hand bodywork parts that are in perfect condition, such as doors or bonnets. If the repair can be performed to the same quality standard, the recycled component part is consistently the preferred option as opposed to using a new part.
Study for CO₂ gains
Febelauto flags up the difference in CO₂ emissions (and consequently the CO₂ gains) when using second-hand parts against new spare parts. To this end, Febelauto called on the services of Eco Repair Score®, a Belgian company that has devised innovative software to measure the eco-friendliness of vehicle repairs. This tool is based on comprehensive sustainability studies conducted by VITO, the Flemish Institute for Technological Research. The tool draws on a database of all makes and models and uses specific algorithms to arrive at an accurate CO₂ value. This has enabled Febelauto to corroborate the fact that using second-hand parts has a more positive impact on the environment than using new spare parts, backed up by concrete figures. In addition, this makes Febelauto a pioneer in Belgium as the first Belgian company to have official research underpinned by the Eco Repair Score®, Dutch and German companies having previously already started using the innovative calculator.
Reliable as well as eco-friendly
The study, which uses the calculations by Eco Repair Score®, is currently being conducted, after which the results of the CO₂ study will be publicised in a public Febelauto campaign in the autumn of 2023. The idea behind the project is clear: using second-hand parts sees consumers extend the service life of those parts and consequently of the vehicle, which makes the repair more eco-friendly.
The reduced environmental impact can be felt across the board, in amongst other things delivering:
- reduced use of materials,
- less energy consumption (involved in the production of new spare parts)
- lower CO₂ emissions (and therefore greater CO₂ gains), thanks to:
- the reduced mining of raw materials for new spare parts,
- less need for the production of new spare parts through the life extension of existing spare parts for cars,
- less transport.
Usable second-hand parts in abundance
This project on the life extension of bodywork parts shows that the CO₂ gains are substantially greater. For one thing, consumers are provided with irrefutable proof that second-hand parts are at least every bit as good as new parts, in every respect. Especially at times where we face longer delivery lead times, this makes for an efficient and eco-friendly solution for bodywork repair companies, car fleet managers, leasing companies and the automotive industry as a whole, which moreover also sees them confirm their green business practices. Finally, in addition to the price advantage, the CO₂ gains may serve as a compelling argument for environmentally aware consumers when it comes to choosing how to have their vehicles repaired.
Calculate your environmental impact
Calculate your own Eco Repair Score® as a measure of the eco-friendliness of your vehicle repair using the tool that is available at the Eco Repair score® website.
Febelauto – Griet Van Kelecom - griet.vankelecom@febelauto.be
Eco Repair Score® – Wout Van Den Abbeele - wout@vonck-expertise.com
VITO – Philip Marynissen – philip.marynissen@vito.be